This project endeavours to establish a robust Manure Upcycling System designed to minimise the environmental impact of intensive poultry farming practices. Its primary goal is by processing the manure on-farm (egg manure) and off-site (broiler manure) with the applied LOHAS biotechnology, to significantly decrease waste poultry litter from intensive poultry (meat and egg production) farming within the Wye catchment, reducing associated impact on local ecosystems.
Project Overview
Commencing in Sep 2024, the LOHAS NU Hubs initiative targets the River Wye Valley, a region with excess phosphorus runoff, mainly from intensive poultry farming. LOHAS project will make the best use of poultry litter to prevent associate ecological damage. With the increased rate of manure management and manure upcycling, LOHAS project will improve local ecosystems, quality of life, and economic prosperity.